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My Story


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About Me

As a communication and PR professional, I master the promotion of cultural activities and creations.


How do I do it? By using the most relevant tools.


With experience, I have become a link builder. I give everything (and more) to highlight artists and cultural achievements.

Is trying me a (limited) package deal?


I master the key elements of an online and offline.

of online and offline communication (Community Management) and promotion with administrative management.

I am in charge of communication, PR and pedagogical activities and partnerships - Théâtre de Carouge, du Grütli, Marionnettes de Genève, Museums of Art and History, MICR...

I know how to follow up and generate requests from local, national and international media.

I also produce promotional and informational texts for online and offline communication - flyer, program brochure, press-pedagogical-production file, website and social network content.

Media monitoring, identifying trends and news that are essential for the client are among my top priorities.

Thanks to a permanent training in digital PR, I was able to consolidate a demanding know-how. To accompany the development of an institution, a company or an artist. To increase its notoriety, its reputation and strengthen its communities.

© 2025 par Bertrand Tappolet

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